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Auto Sample Cleaner - first step at grain reception

Auto Sample Cleaner - first step at grain reception

Auto Sample Cleaner Dockage testing, sorting and weighing For a wide range of grains and seeds With aspiration and deawner Self-cleaning sorting sieve through ball cleaning system Low noise operation Touch screen display Integrated printer and LAN interface Function The Auto Sample Cleaner weighs an initial sample of grain or seeds (approx. 1.5 liters) in a single operation, starts the SLN 3 sample cleaner, carries out the deawning, opens and closes the deawner floor, performs the cleaning in a time-controlled manner and automatically weighs the two fractions of small grain and quality grain (cleaned sample). The modern operating software shows the determined masses and the corresponding percentages on the display. If required, the result can be printed out immediately or later. The result consists of the cleaning loss (aspirator discharge, straw and sand sieve) and the quality grain and small grain content. The weighed samples can be taken in collecting trays for further analysis or fall into a large material container (volume approx. 90 litres). The Panel PC stores all results. It has two USB interfaces for barcode scanner, keyboard or USB data storage. For easy processing with MS Excel® the results can be exported to a USB data memory. In addition, the Panel PC has a network connection (RJ45, LAN) for fast, automatic transfer of results to a ERP or merchandise management system. A sample cleaner SLN 3 is required for operation of the Auto Sample Cleaner. Optionally, a pneumatic transport system can be used for automatic sample disposal. Illustrations show Auto Sample Cleaner together with sample cleaner SLN 3.
Sample Divider Riffle in practical use - Probenteiler Riffel in der praktischen Anwendung

Sample Divider Riffle in practical use - Probenteiler Riffel in der praktischen Anwendung

Riffle type dividers manufactured from stainless steel, no static electricity.The construction prevents the escape of dust. Pour the sample into the hinged container and tip. If the sample is still too large, repeat with the contents from one of the drawers. available models: 4 different types of sizes from 3 to 18 litres 3 different types of hinged containers 3 different numbers and sizes of slots Riffelteiler, hergestellt aus rostfreiem Stahl, keine statische Aufladung. Die Konstruktion vermeidet Staubentwicklung. Die Probe in den angehängten Behälter füllen und durch Kippen schließen. Soll die Probe weiter geteilt werden, Inhalt einer Schublade in den angehängten Behälter füllen und den Vorgang wiederholen. 4 Größen: 3, 5, 10 und 18 Liter 3 verschiedene angehängte Behälter 3 verschiedene Schlitzzahlenund -abstände Divizorul de probe cu jgheab execuţie din oţel inox, fără încărcare electrostatică, prevenire constructivă a producerii de praf, prevenire, prin capacul basculant Proba este turnată în capacul basculant iar acesta apoi închis prin rabatare. Dacă se doreşte redivizarea unei subprobe, conţinutul unuia dintre sertarele colectoare se toarnă în capacul basculant şi operaţia se repetă. 4 mărimi: 3, 5, 10 sau 18 litri 3 numere diferite de fante de divizare: 10, 18 sau 34 diferite dimensiuni ale fantelor: între 9,8 şi 29,0 mm Делитель проб жёлобового типа осуществляет равномерное и представительное деление проб зерна. Материал: нержавеющая сталь, без статического электричества. Конструкция препятствует распространению пыли. Навесной контейнер позволяет избежать ошибок в прободелении. Делитель изготовлен без применения отсоединяемых частей. Удобен для оператора. Засыпьте образец в навесной контейнер и опрокиньте его сверху. Если объём полученного образца все еще слишком велик, повторите операцию с содержимым одного из лотков. 4 типоразмера: 3, 5, 10 и 18 литров 3 варианта в выборе количества желобков: 10, 18 и 34 желобки с размерами в диапазоне от 9,8 до 29,0 мм
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